Saturday, February 27, 2010

27 February, 2010

We're in beta 3 of facebook Black Powder | Red Earth rpg. We're planning on releasing chapter 2 as part of beta 4 later this week. If all goes well, we will probably open it up and release chapter 3 a few days after that. I just did a new pass on the art to make sure everything was up to snuff and the color tuning was just what we wanted.

It has been a humbling and illuminating experience producing this game. We'll continue to release content for it throughout the year and potentially prototype some gameplay that could be explored further in a 3D actualization of the game. All the push to get the facebook game baked and out of the oven has pushed my work on the comic book to the side, but maybe for the best.

I had the opportunity to interview an individual who was able to sit me down, run through my scenario, give a few pointers and then design a realistic chain of events around the premise. It's given a lot of new ideas that can be exploited in the RPG down the line. Speaking of the premise have you seen:

In other news, just finished Mass Effect 2, which I vastly preferred to ME, which I honestly got sick of within 2 hours of playtime. ME2 reminds me a lot of Deus Ex (note DEx is easily one of my top 5 games of all time, up there with Syndicate, Mercenaries and Radiant Silvergun).

Also got a chance to see "Shutter Island" this week. I picked up the soundtrack as soon as I got home. While browsing I added Clint Mansell's "Moon". I've been a fan since I heard his work in "The Fountain". Both are killer for solemn moody atmosphere. Been switching between those and the Rosenfeld demos as my soundtrack to this week's creative apocalypse.

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